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By filing Form 8832 with the IRS, you can choose a tax status for your entity besides the default status. According to your objectives, you can elect toInformation about Form 8832, Entity Classification Election, including recent updates, related forms, and instructions on how to file. Form 8832 is used by Form 8832 can be used by a business entity that wishes to change its tax classification. So, if your business is structured as a partnership and you want to The election is only applicable to an entire tax year. The instructions appear to mean that the election may be filed within a year before it is to be effective IRS Form 8832 is used by a business to elect — or change — how it will be classified for federal tax purposes including as a corporation, partnership, or a For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 22598R. Form 8832 (Rev. 12-2013). Entity Classification Election
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